TikTok Unveils New 'Manage Topics' Feature to Enhance Your for You Feed

Aug 30, 2024 11:30 AM EDT

TikTok has announced a new feature called "Manage Topics," giving users greater control over the content displayed on their For You feed. This update, now available to U.S. users, allows you to fine-tune your feed by increasing or decreasing the visibility of specific topics.

How to Customize Your For You Feed

(Photo : Olivier Bergeron from Unsplash)
Some TikTok videos are not for your liking, but they appear on your For You feed. Fortunately, the new "Manage Topics" feature will blow this problem away.

According to TechCrunch, customizing your For You feed is now easier on the video-sharing platform. The first thing you need to do to use the "Manage Topics" feature is head to your TikTok Settings. 

From there, head to "Content Preferences" and select "Manage Topics." This menu lets you adjust how much content from different categories-such as sports, travel, humor, current affairs, dance, and food-appears in your feed. You can easily control your preferences by sliding a toggle to reflect how much or how little of a particular topic you want to see.

If you're unsure about what type of content falls under a specific category, TikTok has included an "information" button next to each topic. For example, under "Creative Arts," you'll find content related to painting, drawing, graphic design, and other art-related tutorials.

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Personalizing Your TikTok Feed

The selections you make in the "Manage Topics" feature will help TikTok's algorithm adjust what appears in your For You feed. While this customization doesn't affect content from accounts you follow, it does influence how frequently certain topics are shown. TikTok notes that the changes may take some time to fully reflect in your feed, so don't expect an instant shift in content.

Previously, TikTok introduced a feature allowing users to refresh their For You feed entirely, essentially resetting the algorithm. However, the "Manage Topics" feature offers a more targeted approach, letting you refine your feed without starting over from scratch.

A More Streamlined Approach to Content Management

Before this update, users could indicate their disinterest in a particular video by holding down on it and selecting the "not interested" option. Additionally, TikTok had already allowed users to filter out content based on specific keywords and hashtags. However, "Manage Topics" simplifies this process by eliminating the need to manually enter a list of terms you want to avoid.

With this new feature, TikTok is making it easier for users to curate their content experience on the platform. Whether you're looking to see more of your favorite hobbies or less of the content that doesn't resonate with you, "Manage Topics" offers a straightforward way to enhance your For You feed.

Why This Update Matters

TikTok's "Manage Topics" feature is a game-changing update that empowers users to shape their own content experience. 

In an era where personalized content is increasingly important, this feature gives users the tools they need to enjoy a more personalized TikTok experience. 

As of July 2024, Statista recorded the countries with the biggest TikTok audience in the world. The top three countries with the most number of users are as follows: Indonesia (157.6 million, the United States (120.5 million), and Brazil (105.2 million).w: Indonesia (157.6 million, United States (120.5 million), and Brazil (105.2 million).

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