"The Office" ran for a total of nine seasons on NBC and its finale episode aired in 2013. While it has been almost four years since the show wrapped up its run on air, the possibility of reviving the popular TV series was raised following a tease from its lead actor, Steve Carell. What are the odds of seeing a revival of the show for season 10?
"The Office" Season 9 helped wrap things up for the popular NBC drama starring Steve Carell, John Krasinski, Mindy Kaling, Jenna Fischer and more. Back then, several fans thought that the show became lackluster after Carell decided to leave the series.
Many fans became hopeful that "The Office" will be given a better and more fitting ending following a post on social media about the show's revival. As Carter Matt notes, the 54-year-old trolled a lot of viewers when he announced that the show was returning on NBC.
However, Carell immediately retracted his statement and clarified that he was referring to "Will & Grace" and not "The Office." The publication notes that the only way to make this revival possible is if the entire cast and crew would be willing to reunite for a Season 10.
This, however, seems unlikely to happen given that most of the stars are already busy with their respective projects. There still remains a slight possibility though since most networks have been successful bringing back shows that have already ended such as "Gilmore Girls" or "Prison Break."
Meanwhile, "The Office" cast certainly seems to be keeping their precious memories of their characters in their hearts. According to Uproxx, B.J. Novak, who played Ryan, recently gave fans a word of advice about hooking up on Valentine's Day and learning from his character.
Novak warned fans to be careful about doing so the night before Valentine's Day because of what happened between him and Kelly in "The Office." In Season 2, Ryan and Kelly spent the night together and the latter thought they were in a relationship only to hear from Ryan that he wants to keep things casual.
Should "The Office" Season 10 happen? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!
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