"Longmire" Season 6 will serve as the series finale for the Netflix series based on Craig Johnson's books. As the show's final season will provide a fitting conclusion to the series, Lou Diamond Phillips and Katee Sackhoff recently provided updates to the show's production, including hints on what is in store for the finale.
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"Longmire" Season 6 spoilers tease that the episodes of the show's final season on Netflix will be "epic." Katee Sackhoff recently shared on Twitter that she spoke with the producer of the show and found out that there is a lot of things in store for viewers for the upcoming and final season of the series, reports Carter Matt.
Sackhoff and Lou Diamond Phillips also shared that filming for "Longmire" Season 6 will begin in March. According to the publication, the show often begins its production during this period of time, but this one will be pretty special given that this will be the final season.
As most fans can recall, Netflix announced that "Longmire" will be ending after six seasons. Many fans were thankful that the online streaming service gave them another season to process their emotions and get a satisfying conclusion to the story.
Many fans are expecting to see Vic and Walt end up together in "Longmire" Season 6, especially because this is what happens in Craig Johnson's books. The end of the show may also affect the annual event called Longmire Days, according to Buffalo Bulletin.
According to the outlet, the 2017 Longmire Days will be held on July 7 - 9, which is expected to be a bigger festival given that the show is headed for its series finale. The author along with several cast members such as Robert Taylor will be attending the event.
What are the things you wish to see in "Longmire" Season 6? Let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!
Read more: ‘Longmire’ Season 6 Cancellation News, Spoilers & Updates: Walt Finds A New Love Interest
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