"The Lego Batman Movie" recently held its premiere and, with it, the stars of the animated flick showed up with full enthusiasm. One person, in particular, chose to speak less of his character, but more on his natural self in relation to his role.
According to Variety, actor Zach Galifianakis relayed how his character, The Joker, did not need a personal embodiment, as he believes that showing it was the more important thing. He said that the more vital factor is to ride along the general insanity of the Joker, as well as his lame jokes, according to the actor.
Lego Batman actor Will Arnett also said that the Batman he portrayed was more curious on why he had no friends despite all his success as both the billionaire and the crime-fighter. Through the talk, Arnett went to director Chris McKay and whispered loudly the words "tell me why" -- pertaining to the solitude that the Caped Crusader suffers from.
"I'm just a loner in the sense that nobody wants to be my friend," Arnett stated jokingly. "We really loved the idea that he's Bruce Wayne, he's Batman, he's a superhero, he's a billionaire playboy, and yet he's got no friends. Why?" At some point, Arnett also said that he can relate to the feeling Batman suffered.
McKay added that they intended to address Batman's loneliness, which is what they say his problem is---letting people in his life. Setting aside the quirky side of Arnett, fans were ecstatic with the appearance of singer and actress Mariah Carey, who has been confirmed to play Mayor McCaskill, as stated in the same report.
"The Lego Batman Movie" cast is also made up of Jenny Slate as Harley Quinn, Ralph Fiennes as Alfred, Michael Cera as Robin and Rosario Dawson as Batgirl, just to name a few. The story also shows how Batman must raise the orphan he adopted, Dick Grayson, who eventually became his trusted sidekick Robin (before he turned into Nightwing).
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