The rise of smartphones and tablets has steered in resurgence in the gaming industry. The users represent gamers from different age groups, gender, and geographical boundaries.

The continued increase of iDevices and Android-based phones has redefined the world of smartphone and tablet games. Game developers are always on their toes to develop games that appeals to smartphone and tablet users.

Earlier in June, a UK study revealed that gaming on smartphone was the fourth most popular activity among smartphone users, bypassing even its primary purpose - making phone calls..

Smartphone and tablet users have a collection of games to choose from that can be downloaded with the click of a button. The majority of games run on either Flash or the newest developed, HTML5. Even though HTML5 gives an enhanced gaming experience, 99 percent of the web browsers support Flash. By contrast, currently, only 40 percent of web browsers support HTML5. However, even though Flash is more widely used than its HTML5 counterpart, it is susceptible to bugs and crashes.

Currently, Android tends to run Flash for all its apps as opposed to iOS, which is more inclined to run HTML5-based content. Luckily, most game designers ensure that both Flash and HTML5 versions of the games are available to Android- and iOS-based smartphone users. However, there are several games that can only be played on the iOS platform.

Even though iOS games provide users with a better gaming experience, the widespread use of Android-powered smartphones leaves Android phone users with significantly lesser options and they have to bear with Flash games glitches. In the long run, whether Android-based smartphones run HTML5 games is anybody's guess.

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