"Stranger Things" star Millie Bobby Brown has recently accepted the offer for her first film role in "Godzilla: King of Monsters," the sequel to 2014's "Godzilla" which starred Bryan Cranston, Elisabeth Olsen and Aaron Taylor-Johnson. NME reported that Brown will be one of the sequel's lead characters.

Brown was one of the more popular characters in the critically acclaimed Netflix series, but has shone brighter in her previous appearances in films and TV shows such as "Intruder," "Grey's Anatomy" and "Once Upon A Time." The child star also received some nominations at the 23rd Screen Actor Guild (SAG) Awards and People's Choice Award for her excellent portayal of Eleven in "Stranger Things."

Brown will have a very tight schedule ahead as she will be busy filming "Godzilla: King of Monsters" and the new season of "Stranger Things." It was recently confirmed by Netflix that Brown will still be on the show, but failed to disclose the number of episodes she will be in in season 2.

Meanwhile, the second installment of "Godzilla" will be directed by Michael Dougherty, as reported by AVclub. "Godzilla: King of Monsters" is expected to hit theaters on March 22, 2019. Netflix's "Stranger Things" season 2 on the other hand, is expected to air this year.

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