A year ago, beloved actor Alan Rickman passed away at age 69 on January 14, 2016. This year, fans has been commemorating his death anniversary through a video of "Snape's most important moments"-in chronological order-that has been circulating on the internet.
According to Variety, Alan Rickman was a renowned actor who played the infamous professor Severus Snape in Harry Potter movies. He was also the villain Hans Gruber in Die Hard, Colonel Brandon in Sense and Sensibility, PL O'Hara in An Awfully Big Adventure and Metatron in Dogma. He also starred in Galaxy Quest, Love Actually, The January Man, Truly Madly Deeply, Snow Cake, Gambit, The Butler, Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (the-leaky-cauldron.org) and A Little Chaos which he also directed. Alan Rickman also voiced the Blue Caterpillar in Alice in Wonderland.
According to The Leaky Cauldron, Daniel Radcliffe considers Alan Rickman as one of the loyalist and the most supportive person the harry potter actor has ever met in the film industry. Radcliffe also shared how Rickman was sincerely dedicated not just to the film industry but also the people around him. Radcliffe described Rickman as an extremely kind, generous, self-deprecating and funny.person. He even said that Rickman was very encouraging even after Harry Potter. Radcliffe stated that Alan Rickman even came to see his performances in London and New York.
Alan Rickman died on January 14, 2016 after a short battle with cancer. He was unaware of his illness. According to one of his friend, there was no symptoms that the actor had cancer.
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