The 8th episode of "Law & Order: SVU" Season 18 was centred on relationships and emotions. The plot was about the kidnapping of a small boy in Theo. He vanished after his mother partied hard in the night. Was the mother not performing her duties efficiently? Was she not a good mother by being negligent and irresponsible? These are some of the queries put forth by the episode "Chasing Theo".

She allotted a lot of maternal duties to the nanny of the child, who ultimately was one of the masterminds behind the kidnapping in this episode of "Law & Order: SVU" Season 18. An unusual fact about the case and the abducted child? He was not even a bit unnerved by the act of kidnapping. He was hardly upset or distressed with whatever was going on. He simply wanted to go to Mexico with his nanny, Gloria and grow up on the ranch there.

Good news is that the boy was able to be found by our heroes but his custody remained a point of debate until the end of the episode. Maybe the end was a bit predictable, but the overall case episode was an intriguing one for sure. Moving on from the case itself, this episode of "Law & Order: SVU" Season 18 signified the end of the bond and relationship between Tucker and Benson. The two understood that the compatibility does not exist because of different views about their respective careers. Benson is in the prime of her job, while Tucker is thinking of retiring soon enough.

"You know, maybe we're in different places right now. I did get a little scared about the retirement. And Ed, you know, this job, this is who I am," she said to him.

This end has received a mixed reception from the fans of the show as well as the couple in itself. Good thing is that the whole affair was handled like adults. Towards the end of the episode, we also saw Carisi and Rollins bonding ever so slowly but steadily. Needless to say, it has been a good experience watching them have their own moments throughout the show.

The show recently completed 400 episodes on airtime. To know the latest updates of "Law & Order: SVU" keep browsing MobileNApps!

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