"Twin Peaks" is an American Television drama created by Mark Frost and David Lynch in 1990. The second season was released in June 1991 and fans have thought that they've seen the last of it. Therefore, it's really the latest sequel has really waited for a long time but who cares, as long as it has finally confirmed its comeback, "Twin Peaks" fans still have a reason to be happy.
It's been promised to have its return on 2016 despite Lynch, its co-creator, leaving shortly the project but it has only until now when confirmations have been made. The new "Twin Peaks" will finally hit showtime on May 21, 2017. According to Oregon Live, an afternoon session for Showtime programming held at Langham Huntington hotel has given fans a glimpse about the returning mystery-drama series. No doubt, it will be one of the most anticipated TV event this 2017.
Meanwhile, Showtime Networks Inc.'s President and CEO David Nevins has told reporters is confirmed under the vision of the psychological thriller series created by Frost and Lynch. The CEO has also commended Lynch for directing the entire 18 hours of the latest "Twin Peaks". He praised him as a great filmmaker and a "pure heroin" for the additional episodes. Meanwhile, the co-creator has made a surprise appearance to discuss few details about "Twin Peaks."
"I hear heroin is a very popular drug these days," said Lynch as a response to Nevin's feedback. Despite almost backing out because of budget constraints, Lynch still pursued the TV show and so as the other characters such as Kyle MacLachlan who will still play Dale Cooper, the show's FBI agent and Shelly Johnson, the waitress in the original show.
The afternoon session has cautioned the reporters though that they will only have few details as they want to retain some secret information about "Twin Peaks." However, Lynch still calmly responded to some questions like "what it's been like to return to the fictional Pacific Northwestern town." (via Engadget)
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