"First Kiss for the Seventh Time" is an upcoming web drama series with star-studded cast. Lee Min Ho, Lee Jong Suk Ji Chang Wook, Lee Jong Gi, Park Hae Jin, EXO's Kai and 2PM's Taecyeon are the lead actors fighting over Lee Cho Hee's heart. The much-awaited web drama is said to be giving seven-lead syndrome to fans.
After previously holding a press conference, the drama finally released a teaser video on November 28. The released video reveals the ultimate K-drama fantasy, as it showcases an overwhelming cast. The said video preview is viewed more than 1 million already in Facebook within less than 24 hours after release.
In the short English-subbed trailer, lucky protagonist Min Soo Jin (Lee Cho Hee) looks like she falls in love at first sight with each of the men: "Mr. Perfect" Lee Joon Gi, "sexy secret agent" Ji Chang Wook, "romantic boss" Park Hae Jin, "rich family's innocent son" TaecYeon (2PM), "charming student" Kai (EXO), "nation's most beloved actor" Lee Jong Suk, and "free spirit traveler" Lee Min Ho.
In the recent interview, Ji Chang Wook would play the role of a secret agent who jokingly shared his opinion about the role that he's going to take. In an interview, he stated: "In this drama, I took on the role of a secret agent. I wanted a handsome and gentle role like the other actors but they made me do a secret agent."
"I requested to change the scenario a bit but they refused to budge. I was a little disappointed. I'm the only one here who has action scenes," the 29-year-old actor said.
Kai also admitted that his role would be a lot younger and sweeter than Ji Chang Wook's while Lee Joon Gi portrays that character of a romantic church oppa from the actress' childhood days.
Meanwhile, Taecyeon admitted that he always wanted to have the role that he would be portraying in the drama.
"Seven First Kisses" is a blockbuster drama that revolves around a woman who has never had a boyfriend. She meets a goddess (played by Choi Ji Woo) who lets her meet seven handsome guys. The web drama is set to premiere online in mid-December.
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