Earlier this year, Lenovo showcased the first ever consumer-ready Tango phone, the Lenovo Phab2 Pro, at the Tech World. The smartphone was expected to make its debut by summer, but got delayed and now it seems by all likelihood to debut this month. Here is a nuts and bolts comparison of the Lenovo Phab 2 Pro and the Google Pixel.

When it comes to overall physical design, the Lenovo smartphone is taller, wider, and denser than the Pixel model. However, the Google phone has a slightly sleeker look compared to Phab 2.

From the display perspective, Google Pixel sports a 5-inch AMOLED screen whereas Lenovo Phab 2 is having a huge 6.4-inch display. The screen resolution is also is higher for Lenovo model.

Looking under the hoods, Google Pixel is powered by 1.6 GHz quad -core Qualcomm Snapdragon 821 whereas Lenovo Phab 2 smartphone is powered by 1.8 GHz octa-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 652 according to NDTV Gadgets. Although Google smartphone does have the latest processor, with higher number of cores and speed, the Phab 2 model could give some competition when it comes to performance.

The Lenovo smartphone has twice as much as internal storage capacity as the Pixel model according to Phone Arena. The Lenovo smartphone also has expandable storage capacity unlike the Google smartphone. Google Pixel comes with latest Android operating system, Android Nougat. ThePhab2 is expected to be using the Android 6.0 10 as its operating system.

Camera combo is topped again by the Lenovo model, which comes with a 16 MP rear camera and a 8 MP front camera whereas the Google Pixel smartphone comes with 12.3 MP rear camera and 8 MP front camera.

Although Google Pixel packs a decent battery capacity, it is beaten by a big margin by the huge battery capacity found in the Phab2 smartphone.

It seems the Lenovo Phab 2 has beaten the Google Pixel smartphone is most specs. However, only a few Tango apps are currently available. So based on the personal interests, the shoppers can choose any of these wonderful devices.

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