Apple recently unveiled the latest in the MacBook Pro line-up, wherein it has two main sizes, the 13-inch and a 15-inch models. Before before deciding to buy the upgraded version, here is a comparison of the MacBook Pro 2016 and its predecessor, the Pro 2015, in their 13-inch variants.

From the physical design perspective, the MacBook Pro 2016 is 3 percent shorter, 3 percent narrower, and 17 percent thinner than the 2015 model.

The MacBook 2016 is also 13 percent lighter than its predecessor, according to New Atlas, hence, the latest version is definitely more portable.

The biggest difference or perhaps the killer feature of the new MacBook Pros is the Touch Bar, which is not available in the earlier MacBook Pros. The Touch Bar, the multi-touch strip above the keyboard, replaces old function keys can be used to show toolbars, shortcuts, options etc. It also introduced the Touch ID fingerprint sensor, the first time we see on the Mac. Apple has kept a version of the 2016 MacBook Pro which still has the old function keys instead of the Touch Bar feature.

Another difference can be seen when we look under the hood. The new MacBook models feature Intel's 6th generation Sky Lake processors unlike the Broadwell chips we saw in the 2015 model. The Intel processors bring faster clock speed and performance than the Broadwell ones.

Apple also removed the 128 GB option available in 2015 MacBook Pros. Compared to the 2015 model, the new trackpad in the 2016 models is 46 percent bigger. Space gray option was added to the new MacBook Pros by Apple.

TheUS tech giant also introduced the Thunderbolt 3/USB-C ports instead of all other ports found in MacBook Pro 2015. The standalone charging port was dropped in the new model, as per Digital Trends.

The Touch Bar is definitely a great feature to have. However, the fundamental aspects of the MacBook Pros have not changed. It is better to upgrade when the older MacBook Pro 2015 shows signs of aging.

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