Developers of " Pokémon Sun and Moon" discussed updates about the game's new features and the tie-in with " Pokémon Go." Here are the most noteworthy features fans will surely like with this update.

In a Famitsu interview that was translated by Nintendo Everything, developers from Game Freak talked about the features they are integrating. One feature focused in the interview was the "Battle Royal" mode, which introduces four-way battles.

According to the developers, Battle Royal features won't be unbalanced to the point that it will be biased to stronger trainers.

"For example, there's a really strong trainer that can't be beaten in ordinary battles. But with the rules of Battle Royal, even the strongest trainer doesn't always win. Even with weak Pokemon, a trainer could still win with a proper strategy."

"Things like deciding which Pokemon to attack, or trying to read other players' strategies by looking at their faces will be fun." - the devs added as they emphasize the feature.

As it evidently shows, Battle Royal isn't about using brute force to topple all players. Careful use of strategy like who to attack and when. Being strong and dominant head on will only mean getting teamed up by other players.

In the same interview, the developers were also asked of the possible tie-in of the popular mobile game "Pokémon Go." They did say that the company is looking to find possible way to integrate linkage with the mobile game.

However, as per the developer's statement, pokémon from Sun and Moon greatly differs from Go and it would require careful attention to these differences in order for them to seamlessly add the link between the two.

Catch rate, appearance methods, and some species still differ and the development team is still finding ways to go with the idea while not breaking both of the games' balance.

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