"Grimm" Season 5 Finale, titled "The Beginning of the End" was aired on May 20 on NBC and was a monumental event, and that has left fans speculating about the next season.
Although there has been no confirmation about the next season and its air date, yet fans are speculating that the next season of "Grimm" might return in October 2016, according to Parent Herald.
As it has been seen that NBC generally premieres the first episodes of the previous seasons in October, hence several fans believe that the first episode of "Grimm" season six will be aired this October.
Meanwhile in the last episodes, David Giuntoli, the actor who plays the role Nick was shown going full grimm in the last episodes. Additionally, Hank's death has also caused the showrunners to move this year a bit further, according to reports from International Business Times.
NBC's promo video for the episode finale showed a big fight between Nick Burkhardt and Sasha Roiz and viewers were able to check the full details in the episode. Moreover, Trubel was upset about in sufficient and inefficient manpower in the fight against Black Claw, but finally managed to make things work.
Thus, all in all, fans can be in for quite a surprise in the next season of "Grimm", which as of now has no airdate, and no announcements. However, considering previous episodes of the show, viewers can definitely expect to see Nick in all his glory, and Adalind trying to regain her lost powers.
It will be interesting for all "Grimm" season 6 fans to see what the next season will bring.
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