Apple launched its brand new iOS 7 recently, but a prank saying that it makes the device waterproof has apparently ruined the experience for some.
Millions of iFans have rushed and downloaded the latest iOS 7 last week. Some iPhone users, however, are apparently more gullible than others, and believed a prank that claimed the new OS would add waterproof capabilities to the device.
A mocked-up page of Apple's iPhone product page has popped up online a few days ago and has gone viral since then. The image has appeared on Reddit, image hosting website Imgur, Twitter, and various other corners of the Web, spreading like wildfire, and taking down some gullible people in the process.
The ingenious pranksters behind this mock-up page claimed that updating to the new iOS 7 would make the device waterproof, as water resistance is one of the many new features that make iOS 7 so cool.
Sure, the idea that a software update would be able to prevent your phone from soaking when immersed in water may seem at least a bit farfetched to many. But that didn't stop numerous other users from believing that their smartphone would magically become waterproof if only it ran on the latest iOS 7.
As one can imagine, iOS users who fell for this trick were anything but happy to find out that it was just a prank and iOS 7 did not, in fact, make their devices waterproof. And they learned it the hard way.
Increasingly more posts are appearing online, as tricked iPhone users complain about iOS 7's failure to make their device able to take a bath.
"Whoever said iOS 7 was waterproof f**k you," wrote one angry user on Twitter, as seen in this screenshot posted on Imgur. "wtf #iOS7 isn't waterproof!!! Now my phones at the bottom of the river," tweeted another disgruntled user.
While a vast majority of users are sitting back, heartily laughing at this whole shenanigan, those who fell for it are anything but amused. To avoid unnecessary drama and tragedies, get this good once and for all: NO, iOS 7 will NOT make your iPhone waterproof. It was all just a trick, a well-done prank that caught on. Don't fall for it.
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