Gamers looking for a new title to play can check out the upcoming 2D platformer "88 Heroes," which will be released sometime in March this year. The quirky and hilarious game was developed by Bitmap Bureau.

According to PlayStation Lifestyle, Bitmap Bureau's "88 Heroes" will soon be playable on the PC, Mac, Linux, PlayStation 4, and the Xbox One. However, only PS4 users will be lucky enough to get their hands on a physical copy of the game, which will come with two exclusive characters called Cath Letics and The Mime, along with a PS4-exclusive H8 Mode. H8 Mode will contain eight new levels, which promise to be a "super-charged hardcore challenge."

Cath Letics is described as a character who has super-sprint and long jump abilities that are activated by pressing the action button "just like in an athletics video game of yesteryear." Meanwhile, The Mime can perform a classic "trapped in the glass box" move when players push the action button. The move can confuse enemies and make them look away.

"88 Heroes" is a "frantic, funny, and crowd-pleasing platformer" that tasks players with completing every level within 88 minutes, or an hour and a half. All 88 levels are timed and must be finished within 88 seconds to stop Dr. H8 from totally annihilating planet Earth.

Otaku Gamers UK also revealed that "88 Heroes" was demoed at EGX 2016, and that it was a title that was "fun to watch as it is to play." It was also posited that the two exclusive characters Cath Letics and The Mime will hopefully be a timed exclusive as not every gamer will own a PS4.

"88 Heroes" will be published by Rising Star Games. Rising Star Games published "Conga Master" and "Earth's Dawn" for the Xbox One, "Assault Suit Lynos" and "One Upon Light" for the Ps4, among other titles.

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